Life in Cincinnati


Two buildings of Cincinnati are enlisted in top 150 of America's Favorite Architecture

今天美國建築師學會(American Institute of Architects)剛公佈前150名美國人最喜愛的建築


分別是排名45的Cincinnati 聯合車站(現今的Cincinnati Museum Center)
45. Cincinnati Union Terminal (1933)
In the 1920s, architects Fellheimer and Wagner were leaders in the design of railroad terminals. For the Cincinnati Terminal, they brought in their friend, the great Philadelphia architect, Paul Cret (1938 AIA Gold Medalist). Cret was educated at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts but mid-career became influenced by the Modern movement. The result was Cret’s radically stripped-down classicism typified here.
(cited from AIA website, please check the AIA link I provided above)


以及排名101的Cincinnati NFL team's stadium - Paul Brown Stadium (也是唯一一座職業美氏足球運動場名列榜單中)

101. Paul Brown Stadium (2000) - Cincinnati, NBBJ
NBBJ designed a striking new stadium for the Cincinnati Bengals of the NFL. The building has a cantilevered, steel-structured roof, clad with translucent fabric. Sight lines are superb, and there are no bad seats. The project received a 2002 Business Week/Architectural Record Design Award.
(cited from AIA website, Please check AIA link I provided above)

