Life in Cincinnati


Flying Pig Marathon Training - Week 3


星期一: 4 miles running. 花了將近39分鐘繞校園兩圈 (實際距離超過4miles),不滿意但可接受.

星期二:group fitness. This really kills me. 馬拉松訓練著重在平衡,作了一推平衡訓練還有關於腹肌的訓練.將近50分鐘的work out. 自己的平衡相對來說算是不好的.腹肌也不夠力.到尾快撐不下去了. Finish it just because my pride, but I payed in following days.

星期三:表定4 miles. 但是覺得星期二沒有跑.決定自己增加距離,跑了Mt. Storm Park Route. 約5.x miles 的距離. Feel great.

星期四:星期二的訓練的hang over開始出現了,belly muscles really hurts.我根本梃不起腰來,駝了一整天的背.還好不影響跑步,今天進度是3 miles, first mile I ran with Megan. 最後決定拉開自己跑,結束3 miles時共計23分鐘多.算是漫順的成績,若是一開始獨跑,應該會進入22分鐘,對我而言算是很好的成績.

星期五:休息日.I need this one. 我的腹肌還是疼痛中,痛了一天,也駝了一天的背.

星期六: 腹肌仍然疼痛中. As usual long distance running day.表定7 miles. 9點鐘,Anna and Megan showed up. 就我們三個跑,畢竟女生們跑比較慢,Anna我覺得還好,Megan則是一碰到上坡,速度就會驟減.三人中我速度算快,於是整路我殿後.不過他們兩人都算是長跑的,所以7 miles跑完,花了1小時11分鐘.還算不錯,輕鬆的7 miles,平均速度是每10 mins/mile. 愉快的morning run. I love running in the day time. 跑完後,開車回家,Megan is still running. 她跑長時間沒有問題, but she really needs to work on the up-hill running. She speed on up-hill running drop too much. Is it mental or physical? I don't know. But think about the race trails. Tons of hills are there for flyingpig. Hope she can find a way to overcome it.

星期日:困擾我數天的腹肌疼痛總算過去了.忽然想起前陣子滑雪撞傷的左上臂肌肉似乎也復原的差不多了(花了我三週復原吧),該是回Gym作我上半身肌肉訓練的日期了. Today is SuperBowl Sunday. Ready for the SuperBowl Party.
