Life in Cincinnati


New Year Resolutions

以前在台灣時,沒有特別感覺新年要有一個新希望.在這邊因為有聽廣播看報紙的習慣,到了新年似乎都不免俗的聽到媒體在談New Year Resolution.在元旦附近那兩週,連見面的寒喧都是,”What’s your new year resolution?” 或是 “Do you have new year resolution?” 想了想,似乎可以列一個自己的新年新希望,看到年底的時候能夠達成幾項

1. Finish the training program for Flying Pig Marathon.
2. Finish the Flying Pig Marathon (26.2 miles) in four and half hours.
3. Work out regularly and can lift myself up ten times without any trouble (right now is zero).
4. Ski in the West Coast Mountains (Colorado/Utah/Tahoe, one of them).
5. Learn the moves of freestyle ski.
6. Publish or get accepted three manuscripts in journals.
7. Find a job in Cincinnati.
8. Graduate in the End of this year.
9. Bengals go to the playoff.
10. Have a girlfriend.
11. Reds win the World Series Championship.

