Life in Cincinnati


113th Boston Marathon, it was a great race, really intense.

我抽空看了網路直播的Boston Marathon. 精彩的比賽.尤其是女子組的finish. 超級緊張的. That was close. 女子組冠軍 Salina Kosgei form Kenya ( 2:32:16) 跟第二名的 Dire Tune from Ethiopia (2:32:17) 兩人finish相差不到一秒,而Tune在通過終點後就collapsed.下午消息傳出是Tune大致沒有太大的問題.算是好消息.不過看到她一動也不動的躺在地上,而最後被擔架抬走,還是讓人替她擔心. BTW, Dire Tune是去年的冠軍. 而轉撥員的焦點同時也放在美國希望的Kara Goucher上,Goucher led the pace between 21-25 miles.美國人一直希望她能奪下美國人睽違27年的女子桂冠.但是在通過25 miles,進入 home stretch後就被超越,然後就是Kosgei and Tune的game了. 我那時明知Goucher was out. 但是還是暗自為她加油.她以9秒之差第三個進入終點.這是她半年內第二個Master series第三名,上一個是去年的New York City Marathon.而畫面也看到Goucher在通過終點後痛哭的畫面, 她很難過. But she is still young. She still has chance to win one for U.S.A.

男子組的則是在美國希望Ryan Hall在起跑後帶領pace.中段就退至領先pack中,到後段通過Broken heart後,他還一直保持在leading pack中,最後他make the run, finish in third. It was great for him. Ryan Hall第一個Major race進入前三名.不過男子的finish不若女子那麼緊張. Deriba Merga from Ethiopia在home stretch 就穩拿桂冠了. Ryan Hall and Daniel Rono的二,三名之爭也沒有轉撥員講的那麼緊湊. But still, it was a good one. Ryan Hall kept Americans hope whole way, and he won the third place, not bad, not bad.
