Life in Cincinnati


Cell phone etiquette!

這周我周遭發生了幾件關於cell phone的小事,代我敘述一下.

1. Talk loudly in the class.
週一我去參加了一個學校總圖辦的 workshop "Web 2.0 for Educator (Basic): What is Web 2.0?",其實我也不知道何謂 Web 2.0. 但是受到魚夫的影響,只知道 Web 2.0是個很酷的公開網路環境. 就報名參加了這個 workshop. 不過就workshop的名稱可知,這是個給教授們為主的workshop.大概有七到八位教授在那邊聽講,中間有一個教授的手機響了.他就大喇喇的接起來講起電話來了,講話的聲音還不小.我真的傻眼了,不知道那位教授本人在他的課堂內會不會讓學生這樣講電話呢?我猜大概不會吧,真是夠了.

2. Please turn off the cell phone when you are in the class.
上課的時候,有好幾次有聽講的人手機振動,他們還蠻有禮儀的,沒有接起來.但是就是讓手機一直振到voice mail picked the phone up. 講實在的,即便如此,振動還是有聲音的,頂多只是比鈴聲有禮貌一些, I can hear the vibrations. Come on, please turn the phone off or turn the ring and vibration off. 既然決定在上課中間不接電話,就把鈴聲跟振動關了吧.

3. I don't know how to make the title, let's call it a lousy attitude.
我要回台渡假了,來美求學超過五年,美簽過期了,我必須重辦美國簽證了.必須申請我的成績單去辦美簽,時間有點緊迫,有點擔心會來不及拿到成績證明.於是我去學校的算是教務處的櫃台去詢問.到櫃台時候,我問辦事人員要多久才能收到成績證明.旁邊有個女孩,正在填寫退選單.她正在大聲的講手機中.櫃台小姐聽不太到我.她於是要求那位女孩到旁邊去填寫退選單,因為她的電話干擾到跟我的對話.那位女孩走開後,突然又走回來,說那位櫃台小姐"you are rude asking she step aside." 櫃台小姐回" I am not rude, I can't hear what this guy's talk because of you" 然後那位女孩就說他要見她的supervisor.打算要告狀說她的服務態度不好. I am shocked. The lady was not a rude at all, even that girl was really rude. During the conversation, that girl still kept talking with her friend on the phone. This is just ridiculous. I can not believe this. Sometimes, some stupid Americans just like to use this phrase "I want to see your supervisor/manager". Sometimes, it makes them look stupid. That lady knew she did nothing wrong. She said I will let my supervisor talk to you later. Let me take care of this student's question first. 我想任何人都知道是那位女孩的錯吧. That girl is such an ass.
