這周Circuit City有情人節相關電影的DVD特價,去買了幾片喜歡的DVDs.
第一部打開看的是 Jim Carrey 跟 Kate Winslet 在03年上映的 "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."非常好看的一部電影,很有深度.
其實這片跟情人節也沒有太大的關係,全片的第一句開場白是由 Joel(Jim Carrey)的心內想法.
Joel: "Random thoughts for Valentine's day, 2004. Today is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap."
而我呢?這個商業節日 like any other day to me, nothing is going to happen, nothing is going to be different. It's just the other day of 2008.